The Bleach manga was first released in August of 2001 in Japan's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. New Japanese chapters are featured weekly in the same magazine; 259 chapters have been released as of January 19, 2007. The manga has been compiled into 25 tankōbon by Shueisha. The first volume of the manga has sold over 1.25 million copies in Japan, and the series as a whole has sold over 34 million volumes.[1][2] In 2005, Bleach was awarded the prestigious Shogakukan Manga Award in the shōnen category.[3]

Monday, January 29, 2007

Orihime Inoue bleach major character

Orihime Inoue bleach major character

Orihime Inoue (井上 織姫, Inoue Orihime)

Orihme Inoue is a supporting character in the anime and manga series Bleach. She is Ichigo’s classmate and after Ichigo becomes a Shinigami his spirit energy awakens her own hidden powers. As the series progress (manga) Orihime appears more and more often in contrast to previous volumes where she plays only a minor role as a supporting character.

Orihime Inoue bleach major characterCharacter Outline

Orihime is Ichigo’s classmate and like him goes to Karakura High School. There she hangs out with Tastuki Arisawa, Ichigo’s childhood friend. Orihime may somewhat appear to be an oddball, making the most stupid remarks and appearing to always be clueless to what others are saying. But Orihime is actually much more intelligent then she appears, having the third highest scores in school.

In appearance Orihime has long brown hair in the manga and orange hair in the anime which she wears with hairpins. The hairpins have a sentimental value to her as we find out in the second and third episode, and we find out that she wears it in memory of her late brother. The reason why she wears her hair long is in honor of a promise to Tatsuki who protected her when she was teased because she had long hair and other children were jealous of her. Orihime is rather well-endowed and this trait is often a subject of jokes in the series.

Orihime has a friendly, sensitive and kind character. Most of the times she seems clueless and naïve, and her actions usually lead to embarrassing consequences due to the fact that she rushes into things without thinking. She also has the weirdest taste for food mixing things that obviously do not go together and grossing her classmates out it.

Orihime also has a wild imagination (when she pictured herself as a robot in the future that shoots missiles from her chest) and she is also a member of the Handicraft Club that is lead by Ishida Uryuu.

Another interesting fact about Orihime is that she is in love with Ichigo, and as the series progress we see her feelings become stronger.


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